Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Six Month Mark!!

ATTENTION everyone!! James has reached his 6 month mark. . . WOOHOO!!!

April 26, 2011

"Happy Easter Everyone,  

This week went by way to fast. I can't believe it is already Tuesday. Guess What? YUP you guessed it, we had another baptism this week ! It was so cool! I am so stoked to be a part of this marvelous work that is going forth among the children of men.   The baptism was Winnie and Cassans. Winnie's grandpa is president Lee, and Cassan is a child of record. They are both great. If I can get my computer to work I will send you a picture. 

Easter was so awesome namely yesterday. It was Easter Monday, and at the church we had Easter Family fun day. It was so cool to see all the members coming together and truly fellowshipping. They had sack races, bun eating contest, 100 meter dash, dance contests, and tons of other awesome things. I enjoyed it so much and everyone else did as well. It is truly something cool to see all these people come together and do something great. I love serving a mission. I am so thankful I get to do this! 
We Had been walking all Day and it was 8:40 and we were starving as we approached the gate to our investigators house. the gate lead up a giant hill and we were determined to get there. As we approached the top we looked back and there in the soccer field behind us was .......    haha ,Giant Rasta fest! We had a good laugh and treked on only to find that they weren't home. I guess sometimes you get your blessings in ways you wouldn't think of. Ours was we got to see Rasta Fest. I was really interesting, and something I will probably never see again. 
Our investigators are all doing really well, we are working with a few new ones, and our old ones have moved to America for some reason. We also met a lady that works at the Canyons ski resort. We picked a cherry tree this week as well. 

All in all this was a great week! 

Elder James Conder"

Elder James Craig Conder
PO Box 2316
Kingston 8

1 comment:

  1. I love James so much! Why do I have to cry everytime I read his letters. He is such an awesome guy. I am so grateful Daxton has such an awesome cousin to look up to :). Thanks for being so amazing James. Luv Ya!!
